Why did JavaScript come into the picture?

Why did JavaScript come into the picture?

History of JavaScript

During the early years of the web, web pages were only static, with no capability for dynamic behaviour and interactivity.

-> As a result, there was an urge in the web development community at the time to eliminate this limitation.

-> This led Netscape to the decision to add a scripting language to the Navigator browser.

-> In September 1995, a Netscape programmer named Brendan Eich developed a new scripting language in just 10 days.

-> It was originally called Mocha, but quickly become known as LiveScript and later known as JavaScript.

-> Javascript let to add functionality and behaviours to the website and allows visitors to interact with your website in various creative ways along with HTML and CSS.

-> The recent version of JavaScript is ES12 or ES2021 which is approved by Technical Committee 39(tc39) of EcmaScript.